What’s New?

So far, two new programs have launched in 2021. They will be airing on alternate Mondays at 6:30 p.m.


“Hello! from Lee Svete, director of the van Vlissingen Center for Career & Professional Development at Emory & Henry College. We will cover such topics as the future of work, how to make a career change, successful job searching, interviewing strategies, recruiting trends, professional networking, socio-economic trends impacting jobs and newsworthy stories about the exciting news from Emory & Henry College.”

Immigrant in America

Dr. Ed Davis, host and producer says, “Immigration has shaped American life for its entire existence. Nearly every one listening to this show has an immigrant ancestry - one that includes hardship, tragedy, hope, fear and a powerful determination to survive.” Join Dr. Davis and his geography seminar students and listen to stories, songs, poems and even some striking data.
