Ampersand Connected Learning


We help people make connections.

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The ampersand symbolizes the kind of “connected learning” that happens at Emory & Henry College. 

Students here do more than just take their classes, complete a major, and receive a diploma. A real education is about tying all of your college experiences together. We help students make connections:

  • across disciplines
  • between the curricular and co-curricular
  • to personal experiences and interests
  • with the larger world

When you walk into your first job interview, we don’t want you to open with, “I have a degree in __________ from Emory & Henry College.” We want you to lead with, “Let me tell you about all the amazing things I accomplished while at Emory & Henry College.” Then, throughout your interview, you will be able to talk about the ways in which your work has had an impact on you, others, and the world.