Emory Cab Request Form

The Emory Cab is a service provided to Emory & Henry College students and is available by appointment only.

Please make sure you have read and understood the costs and cancellation fees of the Emory Cab listed on the bottom of this page.

Fill out the following information to request transportation.

Note: Requests are made on a first come, first served basis.
The Emory Cab service cannot guarantee all requests will be granted.

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

required text field
First and last
required text field
This is the last six digits on your ID card.
required e-mail address field
Please provide your EHC email (we cannot email any outside email addresses, so it must include @ehc.edu).
required text field
This is so that the driver can reach you if necessary.
required checkbox field
What is the purpose of your transportation request?*
Choose one
textarea field
required text field
Please type complete address.
required date/time field
Pick-up date & time:*
Note: This is your departure time from the college, not when you need to be at your destination. Please take into consideration how long it will take to arrive at your destination.
required text field
required radio button field
Will you need transportation from your drop-off location?*
date/time field
If so, on what date and at what time will you need to be picked up from your original drop-off location?
This is only required if you need transportation back to E&H Campus (for example, if you requested to go to Walmart and need to go back home after you are done shopping).
required radio button field
Please indicate that you understand and agree to the cost of transportation, including the cancellation fee*
textarea field