Student Portfolio URL request

Many Emory & Henry students would like to share their PebblePad ePortfolios publicly on the internet, however the URLs generated by PebblePad can be long and cumbersome. All E&H students can request an individualized, Emory & Henry URL for their PebblePad ePortfolio to make it easier to share with others.

All URLs will begin with “” and then you can add your name or the appropriate extension after that. We STRONGLY encourage you to select something clear, simple and professional such as your name or initials. For instance, President Wells’ URL might be You should avoid adding underscores, hyphens, or non-letter or -number symbols if at all possible.

We also encourage you to check “Yes” for the final question and submit your ePortfolio to be considered for sharing on the main Emory & Henry website. This is a great way to showcase your accomplishments, and may even lead to job, internship or other opportunities!

Please complete the form here AT LEAST A WEEK BEFORE YOU NEED YOUR URL and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible to confirm your individualized URL. You can continue to make changes to your portfolio after receiving your URL, and you can also apply for additional URLs if you need to.

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

required text field
required text field
If you have not generated a publicly shareable URL before, please follow these directions: In your PebblePad ePortfolio, click on the “I want to…” button at the top right. Then click on “Share,” and “With the web.” Set your permissions, and click on “Share asset.” The copy the URL and paste it here.
required text field
required radio button field
I would like my ePortfolio to be considered for featuring on the E&H website:*