E&H in the City Online
You made this event a success! Nearly 90 participants joined in our annual E&H in the City event this year – proving once again that E&H folks know how to be flexible in the midst of change.
The Appalachian Center for Civic Life honored individuals and organizations in the region for their service to the community and the College at the 20th annual Hope Awards on Monday, April 26. The following were honored:
• Dr. Jerry Jones, visiting professor: Emory & Henry Faculty Member
•Tommy Forrester, head softball coach: Emory & Henry Staff Member
• Dixie Holliday: Emory & Henry Student
• Savanna Barber: Emory & Henry School of Health Sciences Student
• Nancy Johnson: Member of the Community
•Mt. Pleasant Preservation Society: Civic Organization or Agency
• E&H College Garden: College-Community Club Award
“The Hope Awards is how we recognize those who personify lives of service and citizenship, those who everyday offer imagination, creativity and commitment as they seek to make their place a little better, and those who push us to think more about what it means to be a member of a community.”
— Scott Sikes, Associate Director, Appalachian Center for Civic Life