Getting Acquainted

We can’t be together right now, but we can get to know each other by reading profiles and listening to interviews with fellow alumni.
Posted October 01, 2020

Find stories about E&H alumni who are making a difference in the world at and find an archive of WEHC radio interviews with alumni under the “Lifelong Learning” tab.

“Increase Your Excellence”

Watch for new engagement opportunities at After a successful online summer alumni vacation, and well-received venture into the SWVA Higher Education Center’s College for Older Adults, the E&H Alumni Association will build on those experiences by continuing to offer monthly engagement events under the heading “Increase Your Excellence.” The series has kicked off with a book talk with Ron Peterson, author of Under the Trestle and Chasing the Squirrel, and a discussion with Dr. James Warden (E&H, retired) about the Dec. 21 planetary conjunction. Videos are available under the Lifelong Learning tab at

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