Colleges of Affordable Distinction 2023-2024 Best Colleges

Elevating in Excellence and Affordability

Emory & Henry College has been awarded a prestigious distinction for its commitment to affordability compared to other institutions. The recognition comes from Colleges of Distinction, a resource that selects schools based on the quality and diversity of hands-on experiences rather than relying on traditional rankings. In an era dominated by discussions about college tuition and student debt, the Affordable Colleges of Distinction award aims to assist cost-conscious students and parents in navigating the complex landscape of college financing. Emory & Henry shines as a beacon of affordability among the distinguished group of Colleges of Distinction, showcasing its notable financial costs and positive outcomes. In addition to net price, Colleges of Distinction considered median debt and mean earnings data of graduates, factoring in location, size, public/private affiliation status, and the percentage of Pell Grant recipients. These criteria collectively positioned Emory & Henry among the most affordable institutions.

Posted July 06, 2023

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