Emory & Henry College Partners with Symphony of the Mountains

Emory & Henry College and Symphony of the Mountains have entered into a partnership to promote musical entertainment and education by offering rich cultural experiences.

Enchantments is the second Symphony on the Mountains performance as part of the partnership Emory... Enchantments is the second Symphony on the Mountains performance as part of the partnership Emory & Henry

The collaboration will feature two concerts given by Symphony of the Mountains as part of the Woodrow W. McGlothlin Center for the Arts’ (MCA) Performing and Visual Arts Series. The performances will take place in the Kennedy-Reedy Theatre at the MCA. In addition to these events, Symphony of the Mountains will also provide two free children’s concerts for Washington County Public School students and Music Director and Conductor Cornelia Laemmli Orth will present pre-concert visits to Emory & Henry music students.

As the only fully professional orchestra between Knoxville, Tenn. and Roanoke, Va., the Symphony performs regionally throughout Northeast Tennessee, Southwest Virginia and Western North Carolina. 

“With Emory & Henry’s beautiful new arts building, it was a natural partnership to bring the highest quality arts programming to the students at such a prestigious college,” said Melissa Roberts, interim executive director of Symphony of the Mountains. “This partnership allows us to include students and faculty in our performances thereby giving them real-world experience without ever having to leave their backyard.”

“Our professional level venue and excellent acoustics at the Kennedy-Reedy Theatre will allow Symphony of the Mountains to perform in a musically gratifying space, while allowing community members from this part of Southwest Virginia a chance to hear this wonderful regional orchestra,” said Lisa Withers, director of the McGlothlin Center for the Arts.

The first concert will recreate the sense of wonder provided from the classic children’s movie “Fantasia,” bringing the live Symphony together with movie clips from the Disney classic films “Fantasia” and “Fantasia 2000” on Sunday, October 29 at 3 p.m.

The following day, the Symphony will perform the concert for free to children from local public schools, private schools and homeschool groups.

In the winter of 2018, the Symphony will return to the Emory & Henry campus to present “Enchantments” on Friday, January 26 at 7:30 p.m. The performance will showcase principal clarinetist and former Fulbright Scholar, Dr. Victor Chávez performing the intricate “Concerto for Clarient, Op. 57” by Carl Nielsen.

Additionally, the orchestra will fill the hall with the sounds of Beethoven’s “Symphony No. 4”. Lighter in spirit than his 3rd or 5th Symphony, the 4th Symphony shows a different side of the composer.

Through the carefully crafted mix of twentieth century and Classical era music, the audience will be introduced to the similarities and differences that these musical styles convey.

Tickets for both the “Fantasia” performance in October and the “Enchantments” performance in January are now available on the Symphony of the Mountains website

“Our professional level venue and excellent acoustics at the Kennedy-Reedy Theatre will allow Symphony of the Mountains to perform in a musically gratifying space, while allowing community members from this part of Southwest Virginia a chance to hear this wonderful regional orchestra,” said Lisa Withers, director of the McGlothlin Center for the Arts.


McGlothlin Center for the Arts

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