Jerry Jones

Visiting Professor

A native of Glade Spring, Jones grew up in southwestern Virginia during the era of segregation.  He was bused to an all-black high school in Bristol where he graduated in 1965. His bachelor’s and master’s degrees are from the historically-black Virginia State University in Petersburg. His first teaching job in 1969 was that of a high school business instructor in Baltimore, Maryland.  From 1974 until 2001, he taught computer courses  at J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College in Richmond, Virginia.  At Emory & Henry since 2001, his duties include the following:

  • coordinates the computer proficiency exams
  • teaches the computer literacy courses (CIMT)
  • serves as a freshman advisor
  • teaches the Transitions I (ETLA) class [topic:  Racial identity in Context]


In the 1980s, Jones published a college textbook entitled Structured Programming Logic (Prentice-Hall, 1985). In 2011, he completed Go and Come Again—Segregation, Tolerance and Reflection, a book which detailed the history and culture of a small Virginia town during the era of the Jim Crow mindset. With nearly fifty years as a teacher, Jones wrote his book as a tribute to the struggles that many African Americans faced in their pursuit of an education.

A musician for nearly 60 years, Jones has played piano at numerous area churches, events on the campus of Emory & Henry, and events sponsored by Abingdon’s Highlands Festival; his specialty is gospel and other church music. Additionally, he is a certified lay speaker in the Methodist church, a former member of the Glade Spring town council, chair of a Virginia Highlands Community College advisory board, local African-American historian, and organizer of various civic and church events.

Jerry L. Jones has an author page on


B. S. and M. Ed., Virginia State University

Ed. D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Additional Study:   

University of Memphis
Purdue University
Indiana University      
Virginia Commonwealth University
Morgan State University
East Tennessee State University


McGlothlin-Street Hall