Jaynae Wright

Class of:



Business Management, Economics, and Civic Innovation


I’m a Libra. Although I place no stock in astrology, my sign describes me rather well. My core passion is grappling with the challenges and hypocrisies of justice. I triple major and participate in SGA and Debate Society (among other wonderful activities) because I want to be prepared to be a Renaissance woman in the two career paths I’m planning to enter: Community Development through Chamber of Commerce directing or a judge for family court.


How would you describe the character of the Emory & Henry Honors Program?

Emory & Henry has the most eclectic and freedom-giving model for an Honors Program. The core assumption of the program is that one’s passion, not mandates will push the student to excel.

What is one of your experiences as an Honors student that has meant the most to you?

The honors orientation was incredibly meaningful as was the subsequent community building through living in the same small dorm as most of my cohort. My very best friends are from my cohort. 

What is Honors to you?

Community. Only, there are so many diverse passions that the program often feels like an elevated talent show- someone is always creating, experimenting, or performing.