Zeke Workman

Class of:



Political Science and Economics, minor in Spanish


I am very interested in the judicial system and I believe that I can be an asset to the legal community by practicing law and advocating justice for all. After graduation, I plan on attending law school to obtain my J.D to practice criminal and injury law. On campus, I am involved with SGA, Housing Residence & Life, and the Cailopeans’ Literary Society. I am also a member of the Men’s soccer and tennis team here on campus.


What is Honors to you?

Honors to me is a great privilege and a rare opportunity to grow in academia.

What advice would you give to future Honors Scholars?

Future scholars, be yourselves, and make the most out of every opportunity that you have access to. The prestige of the Honors program should be highly esteemed and lived out through all endeavors in life.