CRRSAA HEERF II Student Funds Distribution Plan Spring 2021

Emory & Henry College has received federal funding from CRRSAA (Also known as HEERF II) under the Student funds category. These funds provide assistance for student expenses or for emergency costs that arise due to coronavirus. CRRSAA Student funds issued as grants for students may be used for any component of the student’s cost of attendance or for emergency costs that arise due to coronavirus, such as tuition, food, housing, health care (including mental health care), or child care. Emory & Henry College received $631,120 in student funds to issue as grants to students. Emory & Henry College also received an additional $83,037 from CRRSAA (HEERF II) under title III Strengthening Institutions Program funds, which we will also be distributing to students as grants.

As the second round of emergency funds, the Department of Education (DOE) has asked institutions of higher learning to prioritize those with the greatest financial needs first. The DOE also gave institutions of higher learning a lot more flexibility to define “greatest financial need,” as the department recognizes that during this difficult time, Pell Eligibility and Estimated Family Contribution cannot alone determine the amount of economic hardship. To meet the requirement of greatest need first, and to balance both traditional and non-traditional definitions of economic needs, we will be distributing funds in three rounds.

  1. Application by Invitation (25% of Student Funds)
  2. Automatic Distribution (75% of Student Funds)
  3. General Application for remaining Student Funds and for Title III Strengthening Institution Program Funds

General Eligibility for all three funding rounds are Emory & Henry undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in at least 3 credit hours Spring 2021 and have a FASFA on file with E&H. For round one, E&H will also consider students enrolled in at least 3 credit hours Fall 2020 and have a FASFA on file with E&H.

Round 1: Application by Invitation. Consistent with our appeal process for students who have difficulty paying for the cost of attendance, we will award funds to students who have exhausted all available financial aid package resources to pay for the cost of attendance. While this will not cover an individual’s total balance, it will provide some assistance to those who have the greatest difficulty. Disruption of college education because lack of funds has both short and long-term negative financial consequences for college students. Students currently enrolled (Spring 2021) and students enrolled in Fall 2020 who have substantial outstanding balances will be invited to apply. Students who are eligible for round one will receive a letter of invitation and application to apply late April 2021. If a student does not receive an invitation letter, there will be other opportunities.

Round 2: Automatic Distribution of funds. Undergraduate and graduate students enrolled Spring 2021 who have a FASFA on file with E&H, will receive an automatic distribution, based on Estimated Family Contribution using the following four bands (1 being the highest need and 4 being the lowest need). We have not yet determined the amount for each band; however, we will post that information soon. We will begin distributing these funds in late April/early May 2021.

Round 3: General Application for any remaining/unclaimed student funds and the Title III Strengthening Institutions Program Funds. Undergraduate and graduate students who were enrolled Spring 2021 may apply for emergency funds to cover costs that have occurred due to coronavirus, such as tuition, food, housing, health care (including mental health care), or child care.  All students may apply and do not have to have a FASFA on file with Emory & Henry College. The application for these funds will be available after round two is completed. We anticipate awarding funds in late June 2021.

For funds awarded in all three rounds, students may choose to:

  • Apply these funds to any unpaid balances
  • (For those with current zero balances) Receive a credit on their account for future balances
  • Receive a paper or e-check


For rounds 1 and 3, we will ask you to indicate your preference on the application. For round two, we will contact you by email prior to the award, asking for your preference.

We understand that all students have suffered losses because of the pandemic. We know these funds cannot possibly make up for all that you have lost, but do hope that it will provide some assistance for both support to continue your education and any emergency needs that you have experienced.