Justice & the Legal System- Minor


Introduces students to the U.S. Legal system and current social problems in preparation for careers and/or graduate study in law enforcement, victim advocacy, and related fields. 


SOCI 102 Introduction to Inequality or for sociology majors one of the following: SOCI 241 Social Stratification or SOCI 270 Race and Ethnicity
POLS 117 Law and Society or POLS 103 Politics of the United States
SOCI 222 Criminology
POLS 217 Constitutional Interpretation or POLS 317 Civil Rights and Liberties
PSYC 321 Abnormal Psychology (Psych 102 pre-req)

One course from the following:
GEOG 340 Geographic Information Systems
POLS 400 Moot Court
SOCI or POLS 470 Internship
Or elective chosen in consultation with advisor

Degree Type and Level



  • Departments: Justice & the Legal System