Weave Annual Assessment Software
Weave Software serves as a central location for institution and program-specific accreditation reports, strategic plans, and annual plans and reports.
Key Features:
All Templates
- Assign individual or group roles and determine level of access - edit or view only
- Maintain records of faculty credentials
- Establish mission statements, goals, and outcomes
- Create action plans and action items with timelines
- Set measurement methods, targets, and standards
- Report status, findings, improvements, and recommendations
- Upload supporting documents
- Generate a PDF of the report with supporting documentation.
- Copy information from reports forward for the next year
Accreditation templates
- Request templates built to the specifications of the accrediting body
- Monitor the progress of the entire report and specific standards
Annual Plan/Report templates
- Map curriculum to outcomes - degree plans only
Strategic plan templates
- Use for multi-year department or institution planning