
Required & Ongoing Training

Emory & Henry utilizes the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) courses, a web-based program designed to provide research ethics education for required training.  The Office of Research Compliance offers ongoing training throughout the academic year.

Required Training: 

All study personnel engaged in the conduct of human subject research are required to complete an Emory & Henry approved course in the ethical conduct of research involving human subjects prior to conducting human subject research.  Training is valid for a 3-year period.

We now have set Human Research Protection Course Groupings to both simplify the process for our research community and eliminate repetitiveness. 


To complete the required modules please go to the CITI website and create an account.  You can register by selecting your Organizational Affiliation - Emory & Henry College. When you make an account, it will ask you a number of questions about your research to help determine which modules you are required to take.  For detailed instructions about how to answer the questions please either email the Research Compliance Officer at or you can find the instructions here. 


Group 1, Group 2, or Group 3 are great choices for both the Emory campus and the Health Sciences campus. They all have the same core but have some variation based on the type of research you think you are most likely to conduct.  When you register for CITI, or add human subjects protection training to your account, you may choose any one of the three groups. 

Group 1 Biomedical - Healthcare, OR Group 2 Social and Behavioral Research in Healthcare Settings, OR Group 3 Social and Behavioral Research.  (Group 5 Research with Data or Specimens will be allowed on a case-by-case basis).

Note:  Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) and Good Clinical Practice (GCP) courses are required by NIH and other federal agencies that fund research and will only be required if you are receiving federal funds.  

Please also note:  There are a number of optional modules which may be beneficial for the type of research you are conducting, but are NOT required.  In some cases, the IRB may require an optional module that is specific to your study. 

Ongoing Training

We are happy to come to your classroom, division/departmental meeting,  or other venues to discuss topics that are particularly relevant to you. We are also happy to meet with you individually to discuss your projects prior to IRB submission. Please contact us at with your request.