Student Government programs include campus initiatives, club charter grants, Student Government elections, student conduct, and the student organization funding. Student Government also represents student interests throughout campus including matters of DEI, growth & development, and student housing.
(Left) Carlee Sullins, 2022-23 SGA Vice President and (Right) Jaynae Wright, 2022-23 SGA President
Students at Emory & Henry have a long and proud history of involvement in the governance of the College.
The Student Government is composed of executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The executive branch is led by the Student Body President. The Executive Branch is charged with administering all of the functions of the Student Government. The President is assisted by a group of cabinet officers, charged with administering one of the six principal departments of Student Government. These include the Office on Judicial/Honor Affairs, the Office of the Student Body Treasurer, the Office of the Elections Commissioner, the Office of the Student Government Public Relations, Office of Administrative Affairs, Office of Multicultural Affairs, Office of Student Advocacy, and the Office of Campus Activities. Each of these departments is headed by an officer appointed by the Student Body President.
The College Senate is composed of 20 members of the College community: 16 students (4 Freshmen, 4 Sophomores, 4 Juniors, and 4 Seniors), 4 commuters, 3 faculty, and 3 administrators. The Senate is responsible for passing all legislation necessary for the operation of the Student Government. The Senate meets once a month. All meetings are open to the public. In addition, Student Government hosts Student Forums each semester to give students an opportunity to share ideas and concerns.
The Student Government administers an annual budget for use by campus groups. This budget funds services provided to the student body by the Student Government, including organizations and interest groups, in addition to all types of special activities and programs.
All students have access to the decision-making process through the election of representatives to the Senate and in the Presidential election, which elects both the Student Body President and Vice President. Students are also represented by Student Government on faculty committees and on the Board of Trustees.
The Student Government Constitution and other important documents can be found in the Student Handbook. They are the official statements of the Student Government and, if consulted, will serve to give the student a detailed understanding of Student Government and point out opportunities for involvement. Persons desiring to serve as senators or in other elected offices or wanting consideration for appointed positions should contact the Student Government Office by emailing