Student Media

E&H students promoting the Whitetopper newspaper at Activities Fair.


EHC-TV is the Media and Communication department’s television station. With EHC-TV, students can gain experience in being an “on air” news anchor, or in technical production work. The studio is entirely student run, with students running the cameras, lights, and sound. Each week, the show is published on our YouTube Channel, EHC TV. If you are interested in joining EHC-TV please contact Professor Brent Treash

The Sphinx

The College yearbook, published since 1907, is a student-operated media. Issued annually in the spring, the yearbook documents college life during the academic year. A variety of staff positions are open to all students, with interest particularly in page layout, writing, photography, business management, sales, and more.

Logo for WEHC-FM, Emory & Henry College

WEHC 90.7 FM

WEHC FM is our 9,000-watt college and community radio station. Students are encouraged to get involved by writing shows, hosting programs, announcing news and sports, managing the studio, and producing programs. If you are interested in finding out more about opportunities at WEHC, contact the station manager, Ivy Sheppard at

The Whitetopper

The College newspaper, first published in 1914 as The Weekly Bulletin and now one of the oldest student-produced newspapers in the South.

Read the Whitetopper online.

The Whitetopper