Equine Studies Department
- Accounting
- African-American Studies
- Animal Science
- Appalachian Studies
- Applied Data Analysis
- Art
- Biology
- Business Administration
- Chemistry
- Civic Innovation
- Clinical Mental Health Counseling and Addiction Counseling
- Creative Communication
- Economics
- Education
- Engineering Science
- English
- Environmental Studies
- Equine Assisted Therapy
- Equine Studies
- Exercise Science
- Food Studies
- Geography
- Health & Human Performance
- History
- International Studies
- Justice & the Legal System
- Management
- Mathematics
- Media and Communication
- Military Science
- Music
- Nursing
- Occupational Therapy
- Outdoor Studies
- Peace & Social Justice Studies
- Philosophy
- Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
- Physical Therapy
- Physician Assistant Studies
- Physics
- Politics, Law, and International Relations
- Pre-Engineering
- Pre-Health
- Pre-Law
- Pre-Veterinary
- Psychology
- Religion
- Sociology
- Sport Management
- Theatre
- Women & Gender Studies
- World Languages
Degrees & Requirements
The Equine Studies degree programs offer maximum flexibility.
With elective hours students are able to enroll in additional equine classes, explore courses in other concentrations, or pursue a double major or minor in complementary fields such as business, creative writing or photography. Students may also choose a minor in Equine Studies and pursue a major in an alternate program.
Equine Studies (B.A.)
Seven (7) semester hours from:
EQST 101 Fundamentals of Riding (Beginner/Advanced Beginner) (1)
EQST 102 Fundamentals of Riding (Advanced Beginner) (1)
EQST 103 Introduction to Show Ring Competition I (1)
EQST 104 Introduction to Show Ring Competition (1)
EQST 201 Fundamentals of Riding (Intermediate) (1)
EQST 202 Fundamentals of Riding (Intermediate) (1)
EQST 203 Show Jumping Practicum I (1)
EQST 204 Show Jumping Practicum II (1)
EQST 301 Fundamentals of Riding (Advanced Intermediate) (1)
EQST 302 Fundamentals of Riding (Advanced Intermediate) (1)
EQST 303 Show Jumping Practicum III (1)
EQST 304 Show Jumping Practicum IV (1)
EQST 315 Applied Schooling I (2)
EQST 316 Applied Schooling I (2)
EQST 322 Dressage I (1)
EQST 323 Dressage II (1)
EQST 352 Show Hunter Practicum (1)
EQST 403 Show Jumping Practicum V (1)
EQST 404 Show Jumping Practicum VI (1)
EQST 415 Applied Schooling II (2)
EQST 416 Applied Schooling II (2)
EQST 422 Advanced Dressage (2)
EQST 217 Stable Management I (3)
EQST 224 Schooling Techniques (3)
EQST 305 Horse Show Management and Judging (3)
EQST 306 Equine Facilities Design and Management (4)
EQST 324 Methods of Teaching (3)
EQST 326 Equine Nutrition 3 EQST 327 Farrier Science (3)
EQST 335 Equine Anatomy, Physiology and First Aid (3)
EQST 336 Methods of Teaching II (3)
EQST 360 Conformation and Selection (3)
EQST 418 Equine Health Management (3)
EQST 435 Equine Health and Breeding (3)
EQST 470 Equine Studies Internship (3)
Additional Requirement
HHP 251 Safety Education (3)
MATH 121 Or higher College Algebra (3) -
Equine Studies (B.S.)
Seven (7) semester hours from:
EQST 101 Fundamentals of Riding (Beginner/Advanced Beginner) (1)
EQST 102 Fundamentals of Riding (Advanced Beginner) (1)
EQST 103 Introduction to Show Ring Competition I (1)
EQST 104 Introduction to Show Ring Competition (1)
EQST 201 Fundamentals of Riding (Intermediate) (1)
EQST 202 Fundamentals of Riding (Intermediate) (1)
EQST 203 Show Jumping Practicum I (1)
EQST 204 Show Jumping Practicum II (1)
EQST 301 Fundamentals of Riding (Advanced Intermediate) (1)
EQST 302 Fundamentals of Riding (Advanced Intermediate) (1)
EQST 303 Show Jumping Practicum III (1)
EQST 304 Show Jumping Practicum IV (1)
EQST 315 Applied Schooling I (2)
EQST 316 Applied Schooling I (2)
EQST 322 Dressage I (1)
EQST 323Dressage II (1)
EQST 352 Show Hunter Practicum (1)
EQST 403 Show Jumping Practicum V (1)
EQST 404 Show Jumping Practicum VI (1)
EQST 415 Applied Schooling II (2)
EQST 416 Applied Schooling II (2)
EQST 422 Advanced Dressage (2)
EQST 217 Stable Management I (3)
EQST 224 Schooling Techniques (3)
EQST 305 Horse Show Management and Judging (3)
EQST 306 Equine Facilities Design and Management (4)
EQST 324 Methods of Teaching (3)
EQST 326 Equine Nutrition (3)
EQST 327 Farrier Science (3)
EQST 335 Equine Anatomy, Physiology and First Aid (3)
EQST 336 Methods of Teaching II (3)
EQST 350 Special Topics: Exercise Physiology (3)
EQST 360 Conformation and Selection (3)
EQST 418 Equine Health Management (3)
EQST 435 Equine Health and Breeding (3)
EQST 470 Equine Studies Internship (3)
Additional Requirements
HHP 251 Safety Education (3)
One course from: (4)
MATH 151 Calculus I
MATH 161X Introduction to Statistics
One course from: (4)
BIOL 105 Introduction to College Biology
BIOL 117 General Biology
One additional lab science course (4) -
Minor in Equine Studies
A student may minor in Equine Studies by completing 2 semester hours chosen from 101, 102, 201, 202, 301, 302, 401, or 402; 217, 224, 324, 326, 327, 360, 417, and 418.
This information is effective using the most recent Academic Catalog for more detailed course descriptions you can view the Academic Catalog here.
Meet Our Alumni
- <span class="lw_item_thumb"><a href="/live/profiles/1741-megan-wilson-bost"><picture class="lw_image"><source type="image/webp" srcset="/live/image/gid/22/width/345/height/225/crop/1/src_region/19,74,622,677/2653_Megan_outcomes.rev.1518185136.webp 1x" data-origin="responsive"/><source type="image/jpeg" srcset="/live/image/gid/22/width/345/height/225/crop/1/src_region/19,74,622,677/2653_Megan_outcomes.rev.1518185136.jpg 1x" data-origin="responsive"/><img src="/live/image/gid/22/width/345/height/225/crop/1/src_region/19,74,622,677/2653_Megan_outcomes.rev.1518185136.jpg" alt="Alum Megan Wilson-Bost, E&H 2016" width="345" height="225" data-max-w="603" data-max-h="603" loading="lazy" data-optimized="true"/></picture></a></span><div class="lw_widget_text"><h4 class="lw_profiles_headline"><a href="/live/profiles/1741-megan-wilson-bost"><p> Megan graduated in 2016 and has now traveled all over the east coast and even Europe finding horses for clients all along the way. </p></a></h4><div class="lw_profiles_description"><p> My job as a trainer, rider and professional groom at Woodridge Farm in Boston allows me to travel to find horses for clients on the East Coast and most recently to Europe. Starting from humble beginnings, I owe the majority of my successful employment to the program and connections that I made at Emory & Henry. Riding this level of professional horses wouldn’t have been possible without the coaching of Heather and Lisa. I learned how to be a well-rounded, hardworking and knowledgeable horsewoman due to their endless dedication and professionalism. When you say you graduated from Intermont Equestrian at Emory & Henry people take notice in this industry. There is a standard of excellence they hold to and I’m proud to continue that legacy.</p></div><a href="/live/profiles/1741-megan-wilson-bost" class="link-with-arrow gold">Keep reading</a></div>
- <span class="lw_item_thumb"><a href="/live/profiles/1794-taylor-carroll"><picture class="lw_image"><source type="image/webp" srcset="/live/image/gid/22/width/345/height/225/crop/1/src_region/0,0,640,960/3198_Taylor_outcomes.rev.1518486834.webp 1x" data-origin="responsive"/><source type="image/jpeg" srcset="/live/image/gid/22/width/345/height/225/crop/1/src_region/0,0,640,960/3198_Taylor_outcomes.rev.1518486834.jpg 1x" data-origin="responsive"/><img src="/live/image/gid/22/width/345/height/225/crop/1/src_region/0,0,640,960/3198_Taylor_outcomes.rev.1518486834.jpg" alt="Taylor Carroll" width="345" height="225" data-max-w="640" data-max-h="960" loading="lazy" data-optimized="true"/></picture></a></span><div class="lw_widget_text"><h4 class="lw_profiles_headline"><a href="/live/profiles/1794-taylor-carroll"><p> Taylor graduated in 2017 and was a member of the 2016 National Championship IDA Team.</p></a></h4><div class="lw_profiles_description"><p> I currently care for 20 show hunters as a barn manager and assistant at TuDane Farm in Middleburg, VA. Intermont Equestrian at Emory & Henry prepared me for my current position by both teaching me how to give the best possible horse care and to pay attention to the small details. Being educated with Lisa and Heather has helped me become a more considerate and effective rider. Having the opportunity to ride so many different horses at school helped me develop a feel for each horse individually. </p></div><a href="/live/profiles/1794-taylor-carroll" class="link-with-arrow gold">Keep reading</a></div>
- <span class="lw_item_thumb"><a href="/live/profiles/1793-galen-reyes"><picture class="lw_image"><source type="image/webp" srcset="/live/image/scale/2x/gid/22/width/345/height/225/crop/1/src_region/0,19,944,962/3144_galen.rev.1518198247.webp 2x" data-origin="responsive"/><source type="image/jpeg" srcset="/live/image/scale/2x/gid/22/width/345/height/225/crop/1/src_region/0,19,944,962/3144_galen.rev.1518198247.jpg 2x" data-origin="responsive"/><img src="/live/image/gid/22/width/345/height/225/crop/1/src_region/0,19,944,962/3144_galen.rev.1518198247.jpg" alt="Galen Reyes" width="345" height="225" srcset="/live/image/scale/2x/gid/22/width/345/height/225/crop/1/src_region/0,19,944,962/3144_galen.rev.1518198247.jpg 2x" data-max-w="944" data-max-h="943" loading="lazy" data-optimized="true"/></picture></a></span><div class="lw_widget_text"><h4 class="lw_profiles_headline"><a href="/live/profiles/1793-galen-reyes"><p> Galen came to the program with little horse experience and quickly excelled to qualifying for IHSA Nationals while at E&H.</p></a></h4><div class="lw_profiles_description"><p> I’m now working for Jennifer Alfano as a groom at S.B.S. Farms, Inc. through connections I made at Intermont Equestrian. My life in the horse industry began by taking lessons only a few months prior to diving into this program. I’d just graduated in biology and wanted to pursue an interest in animal behavior. If it weren’t for this program, I couldn’t be where I am now. Dr. Patty, Heather, Lisa and all of the staff took me in and were able to shape me from a guy who knew nothing about horses to qualifying for IHSA Nationals two times. My coaches and professors are invaluable contacts that care about each student’s success both in college and after graduation. They put pressure on me to do my best while always putting the horses first. My goal is to spread their professionalism and respect for horses as I develop my career in the equine industry.</p></div><a href="/live/profiles/1793-galen-reyes" class="link-with-arrow gold">Keep reading</a></div>