We live in a world marked by close contact and interaction among people who speak varied languages and come from varied cultural backgrounds.

Being able to understand and communicate in several languages is increasingly important for persons who want to be civic leaders, business managers, or simply good citizens.

At Emory & Henry, you can establish competency in one or more languages and, at the same time, complete a liberal arts program that will give you the kind of intellectual breadth and lifelong curiosity to be a successful citizen of the world in the 21st century.

World Languages Emory & Henry College


  • Bachelor of Arts, Hispanic Studies

    To provide students an interdisciplinary framework for the study of the history, literature, and film of the Spanish-speaking world. To become proficient in the four communication goals in Spanish (listening, reading, speaking, and writing), and the cultural component.

  • Minor, Spanish

    A student may minor in Spanish by completing Spanish 101, 102, 201, 202A, 301, and 302A.

  • Bachelor of Arts, Spanish- Teacher Preparation

    To enable students to meet Virginia requirements for licensure to teach Spanish.

  • Minor, World Language Other than Spanish

    A student may minor in a world language other than Spanish by completing that language’s courses numbered 101, 102, and 201, plus three additional courses, two of which must be on the 300 or 400 level.

Student Research

  • <h4 class="lw_blurbs_title">Grown from Conflict: National and Cultural Identity on the Island of Hispaniola</h4><div class="lw_blurbs_body"><p><picture class="lw_image lw_image408 lw_align_left"><source media="(max-width: 500px)" type="image/webp" srcset="/live/image/scale/2x/gid/2/width/500/height/375/408_IMG_0350-2.rev.1501860949.webp 2x, /live/image/scale/3x/gid/2/width/500/height/375/408_IMG_0350-2.rev.1501860949.webp 3x" data-origin="responsive"/><source media="(max-width: 500px)" type="image/jpeg" srcset="/live/image/scale/2x/gid/2/width/500/height/375/408_IMG_0350-2.rev.1501860949.JPG 2x, /live/image/scale/3x/gid/2/width/500/height/375/408_IMG_0350-2.rev.1501860949.JPG 3x" data-origin="responsive"/><source media="(min-width: 501px)" type="image/webp" srcset="/live/image/scale/2x/gid/2/width/611/height/458/408_IMG_0350-2.rev.1501860949.webp 2x, /live/image/scale/3x/gid/2/width/611/height/458/408_IMG_0350-2.rev.1501860949.webp 3x" data-origin="responsive"/><source media="(min-width: 501px)" type="image/jpeg" srcset="/live/image/scale/2x/gid/2/width/611/height/458/408_IMG_0350-2.rev.1501860949.JPG 2x, /live/image/scale/3x/gid/2/width/611/height/458/408_IMG_0350-2.rev.1501860949.JPG 3x" data-origin="responsive"/><img width="611" height="458" alt="​Max interviewing a Haitian student at a university in San Francisco de Macoris.​" data-caption="​Max interviewing a Haitian student at a university in San Francisco de Macoris.​" src="/live/image/gid/2/width/611/height/458/408_IMG_0350-2.rev.1501860949.JPG" title="IMG 0350-2.JPG" srcset="/live/image/scale/2x/gid/2/width/611/height/458/408_IMG_0350-2.rev.1501860949.JPG 2x, /live/image/scale/3x/gid/2/width/611/height/458/408_IMG_0350-2.rev.1501860949.JPG 3x" data-max-w="3200" data-max-h="2400" loading="lazy" data-optimized="true"/></picture></p><p> Spanish and Civic Innovation major, <strong>Max Palmer ’17</strong>, conducted a project that’s field research was conducted outside of the college, some of it was even conducted in the Dominican Republic and Haiti. He explored the mysterious prejudices between Dominicans and Haitians, working to define racism on an island where white european descent has for a long time been the minority.</p></div>