The student employment (work study) program at Emory & Henry College is a robust experiential education program providing the opportunity for students to work on campus while earning money and gaining valuable professional skills. Check it out!
Please see complete information on the Student Employment Program below:
Required employment paperwork must be turned in by all student employees.
Complete student employment paperwork will include:
- a Student Employment Contract (issued by the supervisor)
- I-9 (Employment Eligibility Verification Form)
- W-4 (Federal Tax Form)
- VA-4 (Virginia Tax Form)
- Student Employment Payment Form
- FERPA training (confidentiality protocol)
Student employment is real employment. Almost every department at Emory & Henry College hires student employees to assist with a variety of duties from event support, clerical assistance, program initiatives and so much more. Student employees are valued at the College and given real world work experiences.
Student job postings
All student jobs are posted in Handshake and jobs are being added every day, so you will want to check often.
Student work hours
Typically students work no more than 10 hours per week in their student employment job. This can vary based on students’ work study award, schedule/obligations and/or supervisors’ needs. No student employee can work over 20 hours per week. This number is 28 hours per week for winter and summer terms.
Students are paid bi-weekly
All students must log their hours in Jenzabar and meet all payroll deadlines to earn student employment wages.
Step 1: View your Financial Aid award package through MyHub to determine your work study award/status. Questions concerning your financial aid award can be directed to the Financial Aid Office at Emory & Henry College. The amount of your work study award is the amount of money you have the opportunity to earn over the course of the school year.
Step 2: Login to Handshake using your E&H Username (example: ehstudent21) and Password and create a profile. Handshake is our job posting system where we post ALL student employment opportunities in addition to full-time, part-time, and internship opportunities locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.
Step 3: Search for open student employment opportunities on Handshake.
Step 4: Apply for open student employment opportunities. Each student employment posting has its own application instructions, so review carefully. **We suggest applying for at least three jobs as you have multiple students applying for the same position.** If you need assistance with writing a resume or interviewing, please see our helpful Applying for a Job resources page.
Step 5: Accept the job(s) of your choice and receive from the employer(s) a student employment agreement form, which you will bring with you to either a Student Employment Paperwork Session OR Appointment.
Step 6: Attend a Student Employment Paperwork Session OR Appointment to complete any required employment paperwork.
Step 7: Receive the “approved and ready to work” e-mail from the Student Employment Program (Anne-Louise Tunstall).
Step 8: Clock in and clock out for EVERY shift and adhere to the time entry deadlines as outlined on the Student Payroll Schedule.
You can also take advantage of POP IN THURSDAYS every Thursday from 1pm until 4pm in the Career Center. No appointment necessary. Simply pop in.
If you’d like to schedule an appointment to have your resume reviewed, please complete the appointment request form.
Step by step instructions for hiring, supervising, and managing student employees are coming soon.
Linked here are time entry instructions for supervisors.
Linked here are instructions for designating an alternate approver for student employee timecards.
Linked here are instructions for adding missed hours to a students timecard.
Where are the student employment jobs posted? Handshake. Login today using your E&H Username (example: ehstudent21) and Password. You can start applying TODAY.
Please know that you are not alone in the student employment process. We are all here to help you! If you have specific questions for specific areas of student employment, take a look at the following list for the best person to contact:
Finding a student employment job: Anne-Louise Tunstall at Filling out the student employment paperwork: Anne-Louise Tunstall at
Work or Supervisor Issues:
Amanda Pollard at
Student Employment FAQs
What’s the difference between student employment and work study?
The terms “student employment” and “work study” are used interchangeably at Emory & Henry College, but student employment is the overarching term for any job held by students. Work study is a term used by the federal government and refers to the funding colleges and universities receive to provide work opportunities for students with financial need.
Where do I look to see if I have a work study award?
If you have received a work study award it will appear on your financial aid award, which you can access on MyHub. The amount listed is typically the amount you have the opportunity to earn over the course of the academic year (fall and spring). Questions about your financial aid award should be directed to the Financial Aid Office.
I wasn’t awarded work study on my financial aid package, can I still get a student job on campus?
YES. Any student at Emory & Henry College that wants to work can work regardless of whether or not they were awarded work study in their financial aid package. Please note, though, that preference for student employment jobs is given to students with a Federal Work Study award.
Where will the student employment jobs be posted?
ALL student employment jobs will be posted and maintained on Handshake by the student employment program staff. Every student has a FREE, LIFELONG account with Handshake, so to get started login to Handshake using your E&H credentials (example: ehstudent21 and e-mail password)! Please note that Handshake not only houses student employment jobs, but also internships, full- and part- time jobs, volunteer opportunities, AND so much more!
How do I apply for student employment jobs?
Each job description on Handshake will include its own application instructions. Pay close attention to how the employer wants you to apply for the position. Some may ask you to submit a resume, others may ask you to email them with why you want to work with them, and others still might ask you to simply stop by their office to express interest. If you need help with writing a resume, email or cover letter, visit the Career Center’s Applying for Jobs page linked here.
How many hours can I work?
The number of hours you work really depends on your schedule, work needs and your student employment/work study award amount, but student employment is designed to offer up to 10 hours of work per week on average, but can fluctuate from week-to-week depending on the need of the employer. You must communicate with your employer if you would like to work less or more hours per week.
Can I list student employment on my resume?
YES. Student employment is a job and can most definitely be an entry on your resume. Like any job, student employment will provide students the opportunity to utilize and gain skills and abilities and a chance to grow professionally, so it can, and should, be on your resume. Please take advantage of student employment as a real job experience!
Can my student employment earnings be automatically credited toward my tuition or other college charges?
Yes. Students have the choice of receiving direct payment for the hours worked (direct deposit) or they can choose to have their earnings applied to their tuition or other college charges. Students will be asked to complete a form which denotes their preference concerning payment.
How many jobs should I apply for?
We suggest that you apply for at least five(5) student employment jobs at one time. Why? Like any job search, you are competing with other candidates for the same job, so the more jobs you apply for the greater chance you have of receiving an offer.
How much will I get paid?
Currently, Emory & Henry College is paying $11.00 per hour for student employment positions.
I’m a returning student and I plan to work in the same department where I worked last year. Do I have to apply again this year?
In most cases the answer is no, but it is up to the supervisor. Supervisors may require students to re-apply each year, but if not, your supervisor will need to complete a new contract for the upcoming academic year renewing your student employment within their department. Reach out to your supervisor before the semester starts to let them know you are interested in returning as their student employee for the coming semester (or year).
I’m a student athlete, how can I keep my athletic commitments and participate in student employment?
The main thing to keep in mind is time management! Being a student athlete is like having a part-time job on top of full-time student responsibilities, so your time is limited, but you can still participate in student employment by managing your time wisely. We suggest that you pursue student employment even when you are in-season, but to communicate with your supervisor that your time will be limited during your in-season semester, but you will be able to work more hours during your out-of-season semester. For example, if you are a fall athlete, plan to apply for student employment opportunities at the beginning of fall and let your employer know that you can work only 2-5 hours a week during fall semester, but will be able to work up to 10 hours a week during spring semester when you are not in-season. Most on-campus employers will be able to work with your schedule.
What if an employer asks me to come in for an interview? I’ve never interviewed before.
First, congratulate yourself for receiving an offer to interview! That lets you know that you have the qualities they are seeking in a student employee. Second, prepare for the interview by reading through sample interview questions and think about how you would answer the questions. For example, if the employer asks you, “What are your strengths,” how would you answer this question. Visit the linked Interviewing Guide for sample questions and answers. Also, when you go for the interview, be sure to dress up a bit to show the employer you are truly interested in the position. Dressing up for a student employment job DOES NOT MEAN a suit, but a pair of nice pants and a button-up shirt or blouse can go a long way! DO NOT wear short shorts, pajamas, tank tops, or your athletic gear to the interview. Oh, and one more thing, be sure if you are offered the job to ask the employer what you are expected to wear to work!
When and how will I be paid?
Students are paid on a biweekly basis. Students have the option of being paid via direct deposit or can have their pay applied to their student account.
Will I be placed in a job or do I get to choose?
We do not place students in student employment opportunities because we treat the process as an actual job search so the student has control of the jobs they apply for and the job(s) they accept.
Can I be fired?
Yes. The state of Virginia is an at will state which means an employee can be dismissed by an employer for any reason (that is, without having to establish “just cause” for termination), and without warning.
Can I get paid for studying during my work time?
No. Your work-study position is a real job just like any other job. As an employee of the college, you are needed to work the times you are scheduled to work and to complete the tasks you are assigned. If you need time off to study, talk with your supervisor in advance about scheduling time off from your job. Remember, you have made a commitment to be at work at scheduled times. Work study is a “real job” where the employer requires work in exchange for wages. If you have down time at your job, be proactive and ask your employer if they have anything they need you to do. If they say no, not at this time, you can ask them if you can work on school work until there is a project that needs completing.
I do not want to work fall semester, can I wait until spring semester to find a job?
Yes, you can wait to work until spring semester, BUT waiting until spring semester will dramatically reduce the number of job opportunities you can apply for. Most students will pursue a student employment job in the fall and will keep it the entire academic year (fall and spring) so where there might be 80+ open jobs in the fall, there might be 10+ open in the spring. If you feel more comfortable waiting until the spring to work on campus, we suggest that you apply for jobs in the fall and let the employer know that you are looking primarily for hours in the spring semester.
I’m a Bonner, can I also get a student employment job?
Yes, Bonner students are eligible to apply for student employment positions.
I’m a graduate student, can I get a student employment job?
Yes. Graduate students are allowed to seek employment at both the School of Health Sciences and on the main Emory campus.
I’m a student with a disability, do I have to disclose this to the employer?
You are not required to disclose, unless you would like to request accommodation for a part of the application or interview process or for the job itself. If you need help navigating student employment as a student with a disability, please know there are individuals and resources to help. Visit theJob Accommodation Network (JAN) web sitefor on-line resources. In addition, Emory & Henry College Human Resources staff members can meet with you to discuss your employment disclosure (or non-disclosure) and accessibility questions. To schedule an appointment with Human Resources, please contact Kim Steiner, Human Resources Director, atksteiner@ehc.eduor 276-944-6112, or visit the Human Resources office on the 2nd floor of Kelly Library.
I’m an RA, can I also get a student employment job?
Yes, but know that your time to work outside of the RA position will be limited. We suggest that you let your Area Coordinator know that you plan to pursue employment outside of the RA or HRA position.
What happens if I don’t earn the full amount of my student employment award?
The terminology of “student employment (work study) award” can be a bit misleading. If you are “awarded” student employment in your financial aid package, this simply means that you have the ability to earn up to that amount by working on campus. It is not an automatic amount deducted from your tuition/fees, but an amount that you can earn by working on campus in a student employment opportunity. There is no penalty for not earning the full amount of your student employment award.
What if I need time off from my job?
Please work with your supervisor to arrange any time off that may be needed. This is just good work protocol. Let your supervisor know ahead of time that you will need a specific date off to confirm it is convenient. Do not wait until the day of to request the time off. Be sure to also have a conversation with your supervisor about if you are sick, need to be late, or have an emergency, how they wish to be communicated with. For example, some supervisors may ask you to call them, while others may request an e-mail.
What should I do if I decide that I don’t like this job?
First things first, speak with your supervisor regarding the pieces of your job that you are not enjoying to see if any changes can be made. The worst thing that you can do is just stop showing up. If your concerns revolve around your supervisor then please partner with the student employment staff so that you can explore other options.
Are their student employment jobs available at the School of Health Sciences?
Student employment jobs at the School of Health Sciences are primarily for current students at the School of Health Sciences (graduate students).
I have more questions concerning student employment, who can I contact?
Financial Aid Questions? Contact Scarlett Blevins at or by stopping by the Financial Aid Office (First Floor Wiley Hall_#101)
Required Paperwork Questions? Contact Anne-Louise Tunstall via email at
Questions About Being Paid? Start with Anne-Louise Tunstall at It may be that we will need to reach out to our Payroll Administrator, Susan French, for more assistance. Susan’s email address is
Need Help Finding a Student Employment Opportunity? Contact Anne-Louise Tunstall at or stop by the Career Center.