Our Story

Honors scholars at Honors Program Orientation Honors scholars at Honors Program Orientation

Our Honors Program is designed to help you succeed and make your impact on the world. 

Our program is designed to challenge students to think critically, logically, and creatively so that they can not only do their best work, but also use what they’ve learned to help better the world around them.  

Our Mission

  • Provide challenges for students who possess extraordinary intellectual promise, a strong academic background, broad extracurricular interests, and leadership abilities. 
  • Be as diverse as our nation: As an active member of the National Society for Minorities in Honors, 30% of the Emory & Henry Honors Program are students of color; we also warmly welcome scholars from all religions and from the LGBTQ+ community as well. Our diversity is our strength!
  • Offer unique academic opportunities to challenge students to think critically, logically, and creatively in order to realize their full potential, including the possibility of internships, externships, and undergraduate research.
  • Encourage service to the community, study abroad experiences, and involvement in the life of Emory & Henry College.
  • Strive to engage and develop exceptional students to serve as models in the college community and the lives of current and future generations.

The Honors Program at Emory & Henry offers an intellectual challenge that is more than just academics—we challenge you to become more awesome than you expect for yourself!

We ask you to read difficult texts, to solve difficult problems, and to conquer whatever difficult  passion you set for yourself.

We ask you to devise your own experiments and projects rather than just following the directions someone else provides for you.

We ask you to take what you learn in classrooms, laboratories, and midnight discussions and to apply it to the life we live—whether on a community level or on a global scale.

“As Honors students, our hope is that research conducted at Emory & Henry will help improve the lives of people around the world.”

—Kyle Boden, Class of 2014.  Kyle received the NCAA Walter Byars Scholarship