Request Info

Use this “Request Info” form if you are just starting to consider attending Emory & Henry College.

If you’ve already been accepted to the college (Congratulations!) and are looking to apply to the Honors Program, use this link:

Once you complete this form, we’ll contact you.

Request More Information

Discover and explore Emory & Henry College.

If you have already applied you can also reach out to your admissions counselor


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Choose unavailable if you live outside the U.S. or Canada.
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This information helps us match Virginia residents up with an E&H admissions counselor who represents your particular area of Virginia.
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Choose an area of study to receive more detailed information about our unique academic offerings—and how you can turn your passion into your profession. Not sure? We’re happy to explore several E&H academic choices with you. Scroll through the list below, selecting all areas of study that interest you.
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Chances are we have a scholarship waiting for you. Select all areas that interest you.
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Select all areas that interest you. For NCAA athletic scholarship information, please complete the recruiting form on
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What other activities have you found fun & enjoyable? We’d love to hear more about what drives you, your personal goals & aspirations, even hobbies you enjoy.