Emory & Henry Color Guard & Winter Guard Application

We work together to represent spirit and pride for our college. We are dedicated to the advancement of the marching arts, performing arts, and music education for all. We express our determination, hard work, self-respect, discipline, and endurance through progress with team goals. Our passion for Color Guard comes from the fun we have, the friends we make, and the feeling of accomplishment we receive in the end.


*****You must apply to admission at www.ehc.edu/apply to be eligible for an invitation for our Color Guard and Winter Guard scholarship opportunities.

Once this form has been completed and submitted, you’ll receive an email with more information and requirements for your visit and audition day.


Amanda Ferguson, Color/Winter Guard Director, aferguson@ehc.edu
Rachel Campbell, Senior Admissions Counselor, rrcampbell@ehc.edu

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

required e-mail address field
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Updated March 18, 2020: at this time we are only offering video auditions until further notice.
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Do you wish to audition for Color Guard and/or Winter Guard?*
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required textarea field
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Enrollment Term*
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required textarea field
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Color Guard Experience*
Select the Techniques you Can Demonstrate
required checkbox field
Select the Flag Techniques You Can Demonstrate:*
required checkbox field
Select the Rifle/Sabre Techniques You Can Demonstrate:*