Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) Cohort Application

Do you want to use your science skills to make a positive difference in the world? If so, this program is a great way to feed your curiosity and get you involved in hands-on, project-based scientific research with the help of faculty mentors and peers who share your enthusiasm…right from the very beginning of your undergraduate education. The STEM cohort offers students a chance to participate in field trips and social events as well as to gain peer and professor support to help you succeed in college science courses.

The first step in joining the cohort is to fill out the application below.  We will follow up with interested applicants via email.  If you are visiting campus, we would be happy to arrange for you to meet science professors and tour our facilities.  However, no interview is required for the program.

Questions? Contact

STEM cohort:

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

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Include subsection scores
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Will you be attending Emory & Henry as a first-year student or transfer?*
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What is your intended major?*
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Do you Intend to apply for E&H Pre-Health or Honors Programs?*