
Training in the humane treatment of animals is required for all investigators and personnel listed on animal protocols. Emory & Henry utilizes the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) courses, a web-based program designed to provide research ethics education. Coursework is also provided through the Division of Natural Sciences. 


To complete the required modules please go to the CITI website and create an account.  You can register by selecting your Organizational Affiliation - Emory & Henry College. When you make an account, it will ask you a number of questions about your research to help determine which modules you are required to take.  Should your research change, you can meet requirements of current projects by adding modules at any time.


Training through CITI will consist of at least two courses including “Working with the IACUC”, and protocol-specific course(s) as applicable. Alternative (non-CITI) coursework conducted through through the Division of Natural Sciences may also be approved.