Timely Access and/or Referral of Students to Services Addressing Personal Issues
The Department and MPAS Program are committed to the personal and academic success and well-being of all students, including timely access to services addressing personal issues which may impact progress in the PA program.
In the case of an urgent or emergent medical need, students should pursue medical services emergently regardless of program activities. Although, other than in the case of a true emergency, faculty are not permitted to provide healthcare to students, they may assist students in securing referral for appropriate care if needed.
Importantly, students do not need faculty/program referral for any E&H College services, including but not limited to, the Paul Adrian Powell, III Student Success Center (students are strongly encouraged to meet with Student Success staff at the beginning of the program and before problems may develop). The following links may be helpful:
- Campus Police & Safety and Emergency Guidelines
- Centralized Student Assistance Office (includes Financial Aid, Registrar, Student Accounts)
- IT Department/Help Desk
- AlertAware App
- Paul Adrian Powell, III Student Success Center
- Student Health Insurance
- Title IX Office
Although it is ideal if students receive services outside of their classroom hours, and time is built in to the weekly schedule for such activities, given the course load in the program this is not always possible. In such cases when timely access is otherwise not possible due to severity/emergent nature of issue, access to care, or after hours availability of services (e.g., financial aid office, registrar’s office, business office), the MPAS Program permits students class release time to receive services, including services from healthcare providers and the Powell Resource Center (academic success services, counseling, and disability support services). When non-emergent, the PRC will make every attempt to provide services limiting disruptions to a student’s academic schedule. The following policies apply to such instances:
- For planned absences, students must submit the program required Absence for DIdactic-Phase or Clinical-Phase Activity Form prior to the absence.
- For unplanned absences, students must submit the program required Absence from Didactic-Phase or Clinical-Phase Activity Form as soon as possible.
- Excessive absences, as outlined in the MPAS Program Student Clinical Handbook, may results in consequence up to and including deceleration or dismissal from the program.