Returning Students
As a friendly reminder, housing applications for returning students will be coming live on March 4. Since we are a residential campus, all students are required to live on-campus unless they have been approved to commute for the coming academic year or are graduating in May.
After all of the applications are submitted, the Office of Housing and Residence Life will be sending out students’ lottery numbers which will be based on academic credits completed + GPA on March 18th. The lottery numbers will be given to students individually and not shared with anyone else. No application on file will result in not receiving a housing placement on time and you will be given whatever is left after the selection process has been completed. We also have information if you want to Live Off-Campus or Commute.
Important Dates To Remember for 2022-2023:
- February 1: Off-Campus Housing Applications Due
- February 11: Themed Living Community Applications Due
- February 15: Housing Accommodation Applications Due
- March 1: Housing Applications Open on MyHub (Student Life Tab) - all students who will be living on-campus will be required to complete this. If this is not completed you will not be assigned the housing you wanted.
- March 16: Housing Applications Due
- March 18: Students assigned and communicated their lottery numbers and timeslots
- March 21: Housing Selection Begins
- April 1: Housing Selection Ends
Housing Accommodations
All housing accommodation applications are due by February 15 to Disability Support Services. The Office of Housing and Residence Life will be reaching out in the next two weeks to those who have an approved housing accommodation if we have questions about your documentation and possible roommate preferences. Please note that we will place housing accommodations based on the documentation and what was approved. We cannot guarantee additional requests if the documentation is not detailed enough.
Finding Your Perfect Roommate
As mentioned, there will be a very limited number of single rooms for the 2022-2023 academic year, which means many students will be required to have a roommate. The reason for the limitation is that we are anticipating an increase in enrollment for the Fall semester.
Double Rooms: two people to a room
- Starting now, students should be identifying what roommate they would like to live with. It is important to note that no one is guaranteed a single, so these plans should be in place.
- On March 21, the general housing selection form will open. Students will go in order based on the lottery number and time slot they received.
- Based on your roommate pairings, the roommate who has the lowest lottery number will go first.
- Roommate A. So, Roommate A will have to pick 1) the room and 2) request their roommate (Roommate B). In the form, they will look up Roommate B’s name and send a notification that they would like to live with them.
- Roommate B will receive an email notification requesting approval to live with Roommate A. Roommate B will accept this and then will be automatically placed in the room that Roommate A had selected.
- If Roommate B does not accept this, then Roommate A will be notified by the system and be left in a double room without a roommate. Roommate A should work with the Office of Housing and Residence Life to see if they can request another roommate or attempt to find someone else on campus who hasn’t submitted their housing application yet to select the open space in Roommate A’s room.
Suite-Style Rooms/Townhouse: double rooms sharing a bathroom
Students wanting to live in a suite-style/Townhouse Apartments together can request a four-person suite or 6-person apartment.* They will just repeat the same process above, but the students can add three roommates instead of just one. The student with the lowest lottery number will be the one who designates which room each person will live in, so communication is key. Again, all students must accept the invitation to live in those spaces.
*As a reminder, we will have zero singles in the apartments next year.
Themed Housing Opportunities:
We will have 5 Themed Housing Opportunities available for students can live in based on their interests. If you are interested in the following themes, please reach out to their respective coordinator to apply. Understand each coordinator may have their own expectations and application process. You must do this by February 11th. You will still need to submit a housing application even if approved to live in one of these communities. The themes are:
- P.E.A.C.E House (People Empowering Antiracist Communities Everywhere) (Cambridge House) - John Holloway (
- Honors (Weaver Hall) - Scott Boltwood, Honors Program Director (
- International Housing (Russell House) - Celeste Gaia (
- Outdoor/Adventure Housing (Prillaman House) - Jim Harrison and Alex Versen (, aversen@ehc.
edu) - Spiritual Life (Carter House) - Sharon Wright (