Themed Housing

Themed Housing Options

New Student Selection Process

After an incoming student has deposited to Emory & Henry College, they are expected to complete the New Student Housing Application. This application will provide the housing department an abundance of information regarding the residents interests, roommate preferences, and housing needs. This year, residents will request their housing based on the Themed Living Communities (TLC) they select instead of automatically being placed in Elm Hall and Hickory Hall. Within the themed living communities, students will be asked to participate in various programs and initiatives created by their TLC staff/faculty representative. For example, students will read through the different theme options, check all themes they are interested in, and the housing department will review their application material, roommate preferences/compatibility, and assign based on what is available. Students who apply earlier will get preference for their Themed Living Community.

Students interested in living in the Outdoor Program House, P.E.A.C.E. House, International House, Spiritual Life House, and/or Honors housing will be required to speak with the TLC staff/faculty representative (TLC Coordinator). The representative will let the Office of Housing and Residence Life know if they are interested in having the student in their facility.

Please see the Themed Living Community options below: