Student Organization


The purpose of the Emory & Henry College Student Occupational Therapy Association is to encourage professional development, to enhance the educational experience for students within the OT program, provide service and outreach within the community, work as a bridge between faculty, surrounding communities, and students, promote health and wellness within the area, and offer students an opportunity to engage in professional activities such as attending local, regional, and national conferences and workshops.

Faculty Advisors: Dr. Amy Evans and Dr. Amanda Blevins

SOTA Officers 2022-2023
President: Allyson Meek
Vice Pres: Sean Kearney
Secretary: Paxton Ingram
Treasurer: Olivia Simmons
Historian: Cydia Walker
Service Chairs: Haylee Frye and Carley Hedge
Social Chair: Madison Lane
Intramural Chair: Kyndall Hiatt
CATS Coordinator: Emma Pennington
COTAD Chair: Juanita Herrera
SOTA Officers 2023-2024
President: Kelly Johnson
Vice Pres: Jacob Wall
Secretary: Madison Thompson
Treasurer: Bre Coley
Historian: Kara Deeds
Service Chairs: Cameron Hawkins and Natalee Jones
Social Chair: Bradley Parris
Intramural Chair: Derrick Sutton
CATS Coordinator: Jay Scurlock
COTAD Chair: Megan Brakman
