Adding Galleries

To Create a Gallery

It’s best practice to choose 5-10 impactful images that capture what you are trying to display. 

Go to the dashboard to create a gallery. Navigate to the “Images” tab and then choose “Galleries” and use the button “Add a new gallery”. From there you can follow the steps of adding a title to your gallery as well as a description. 

Then, use the image selection on the right side to add images that are already uploaded to the LiveWhale CMS, or select the button to “Add new images from your computer” option.

Accessibility Reminder: Remember all images must be captioned!

Screen shot of gallery image selection.

To Add a Gallery to Your Page

Edit the page and click the red “Insert” button and choose Add —> Slideshow in the LiveWhale toolbar. Choose the style you want for the gallery. You can choose the “mini” or “carousel” style. You can see examples of those styles below.

Adding a gallery to the page

Gallery Styles

