2020: A Year in Review
Emory & Henry College faculty, staff, students and alumni have experienced an amazing year! Here’s a peek at what makes E&H an exceptional place to learn, serve and make a difference.
We lead
We succeed
- Climbing in the Ranks
- The Champs-Equestrian IDA team wins 20th regional championship
- Competition Time-Men’s and Women’s basketball teams travel to ODAC tournament
- Softball Invitational-Women’s softball plays in prestigious NFCA Leadoff Classic in Arizona
Big Winners-Donovan Pinnix ODAC championship in Track & Field
Connor White Rookie of the Year in Cross Country - On the Trail-students successfully complete their Semester-A-Trail
- Dynamic Duo-Professors Matt Shannon & Mark Finney publish a book
- YWCA Tribute to Women Award-Professor Shelley Koch is recipient in Empower category
- Arts Advocate-Arts Alliance Mountain Empire honors Brent Treash
- Humanitarian & Caring Person Award-Virginia Counselors Association honors Todd Stanley
- Mountains Piled Upon Mountains-Professor Felicia Mitchell’s poetry feature in publication
- Addy’s in Appalachia-students and staff win big at Southwest Virginia American Advertising Awards
- E&H Student Chapter Honored-American Chemical Society recognizes chapter’s activity
- Ethics in Higher Education-students compete in Ethics Bowl
- Empowering Women-Women’s Leadership Conference welcomes E&H students
We connect
- New Pathways-new concurrent admissions with local community colleges
- A Gracious Gift-$5 million from The van Vlissingen Student Foundation
- Exciting Internships-showcasing opportunities of E&H students and their stories
- Super Seniors-Career Center partners with opportunities for networking
- New Alumni Programming-hosts Multicultural Alumni Summit with Career Center
- Herstory: MLK Day Celebration-E&H honors women in the civil rights movement
- Leaders in Healthcare-School of Health Sciences commencement
- Helping Hands-SHS students create sensory hallways in local elementary schools
- ROTC Scholarship-Cadet Will Davis given full scholarship opportunity
We innovate
- New Majors Announced-exciting new fields include Engineering Science
- Theatre Showstoppers-student directed performances showcase dynamic work
- Wrestling Announced-Pete Hansen will lead men’s and women’s wrestling
- Microbial Meal-microbiology and immunology students have unique dining experience
- Going Digitial-E&H hosts successful virtual open houses & programs
- Remote Environment-E&H moves remote with success
- Keeping the Spirit-Professor Sarah Fisher showcases grandma’s sweaters remotely
We celebrate
- Happy Homecoming-thousands gather back to campus for traditions
- A Living Legend-Chef Willie Thompson celebrates his birthday and given honorary degree
- Throwback Thrills-traditions at the pool are brought back with student life activities
- New Additions-Equestrian Center welcomes new foal
- National News-Coach Ben Thompson is on Today Show
- E&H Takes on Italy-marching band performs for the Pope and alumni join in on the fun
- Celebrating Seniors-congratulations to the Class of 2020
Open gallery
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