2019: A Year in Review

Posted by Billy Chandler
Emory & Henry College faculty, staff, students and alumni have experienced an amazing year! Here’s a peek at what makes E&H an exceptional place to learn, serve and make a difference.

We’re Community Leaders

Day of Service - 300 first-year students helping our region
Expanding Outdoor Program- new crag wall open to the public
MLK Day -celebrating a beloved community
Healing Gardens- helping patients at Bristol Regional Medical Center Hope Service Awards- Appalachian Center honors those who serve
Serving Marion-OT students complete 1300+ hours of community service National Entertainers- McGlothlin Center hosts John Berry and more
American Chemical Society- high school chemistry students visit for labs and demos WEHC Expands- donors dedicate lobby space
On the A-Trail-students spend semester on the Appalachian Trail for the first time

We’re Partners

Delivering Dreams-PT and OT students modify a tractor for local child
Mid-Appalachian Higher Ed Summit-welcomed area Community Colleges to plan for the future Employer Networking Breakfast- connecting employers with our students and leaders
Teachers for Tomorrow-partnership with Washington County Schools for education success

We’re Collaborators

First-Year Showcase-students collaborate on project-based work beginning their first semester Senior Connections Showcase-a senior capstone to the E&H classroom and project experience
Ampersand Day- 160+ student presentations 31 different sessions
Growing Local Business- Professors win Innovation Award with the Washington County Small Business Challenge
The Art of Networking- Career Services paired students with E&H Alumni to practice their skills Arts & Entertainment- Board members and patrons enjoy a new theatre experience

We’re Innovators

RN to BSN Program Launches-filing a need in rural healthcare
First OT Class Graduates- Masters-level Occupational Therapy Class are the first to complete the new program
100 Years in the Making-Cadet Emily Johnston is the first cadet to be contracted to the ROTC since 1918
Accelerated Programs- signing with Radford University establishes three new accelerated graduate programs
Adult Continuing Education- new business courses online are introduced at the SWVA Higher Education Center
Affordable Options- E&H establishes new endowed scholarships to help students with tuition

We’re Family

Welcome Home- thousands of friends gather for Homecoming
Literary Legacy- 37th Annual Literary Festival features award-winning poet Lynn Powell
Holiday Tradition-Christmas at Emory performance at the McGlothlin Center for the Arts
Walk this Way- students, faculty and staff participate in four local holiday parades
Furry Friends- Powell Resource Center launches therapy dog days for students
Happy Anniversary- Memorial Chapel celebrates 60 years
A Fine Farewell- commencement honors 216 graduating students
Lasting Memories- new duck pond renovations complete a favorite spot
Russell Hall Named- honoring Madame Russell and her impact on this region

We’re Achievers

We are the Champions- Equestrian team wins 21st national title
Tournament Time-Women’s Softballs travels to NCAA Tournament 
National News- Women’s basketball teams lands in NCAA rankings
Groundbreaking Work- Professor Michael Lane paves the way for new discoveries in chemistry Primetime Publishers- Professors Matt Shannon & Shelley Koch release new books
Noteworthy News-E&H Lands in national rankings for best liberal arts colleges U.S. News & World Report
Happiest Alumni-Forbes magazine’s website names E&H in the top 200 of schools with grateful graduates
Passing the Torch - President Jake Schrum retires after six years of service and Provost John Wells assumes new role as President to lead E&H in the 21st Century

We thank our community partners, business partners, donors, alumni, students, faculty and staff for an amazing year of growth and commitment to our region and the world. We will continue to be the Difference Makers, committed to our purpose to learn, serve and make change.

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